Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks with President of Poland Andrzej Duda

File photo of President of Poland Andrzej Duda

Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke with the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, to discuss security concerns in Eastern Europe.

The Prime Minister and President discussed their shared concerns about the continuing buildup of Russian military forces in and around Ukraine, as well as Russia’s ongoing aggression and destabilization activities. Prime Minister Trudeau reaffirmed Canada’s steadfast support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and emphasized that any further military incursion into Ukraine would have serious consequences, including coordinated sanctions. Referencing their recent discussion with the President of the United States of America and European leaders, the Prime Minister and President emphasized the importance of coordination and unity among allies.

The two leaders exchanged views on how best to support Ukraine, and both commented on the courage and determination of the Ukrainian people, especially in the face of continuing Russian military buildup along their borders.

Prime Minister Trudeau underscored the remarkable cooperation between Canada and Poland, and President Duda thanked him for Canada’s friendship. The two leaders discussed ways in which they could collaborate in the future.

SOURCE Office of the Prime Minister

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